Sunday, February 14, 2010

Diet/Exercise Log

Phew, I ran 5 miles today in a personal record breaking time of 53.01 minutes at a average speed of 5.6 mph.

The following is what I ate...
LeanCusine: Lemongrass Chickhen
260cal 19g (protein) 33g (carbohydrate) 6g (fat)

Sushi w/Wasabi and Soy Sause
150cal 3g (protein) 22g (carbohydrate) 5g (fat)

Spinach & Feta Salad w/Dried Blueberries and Asian Dressing
215 cal 11g (protein) 27g (carbohydrate) 7g (fat)

Juice: Acai Berry & Blueberry
140 cal 0g (protein) 33g (carbohydrate) 0g (fat)

Ravioli: Spinach & Cheese w/Bread
575 cal 17g (protein) 43g (carbohydrate) 9g (fat)

3 Mandarin Oranges
111 cal 2g (protein) 28g (carbohydrate) 0g (fat)

Total 1451 cal 52g (protein) 20% 186g (carbohydrate) 70% 27g (fat) 10%

Since I worked out for an hour my total caloric intake equates a weight of 135 lbs., which is very close to my goal. The percentages closely resemble those needed to maintain weight, which is not bad. Unfortunatly, I'm try to lose fat, and tone up. Ideally my ratio would look more like 40-50% protein, 40-30% carbohydrate, and 20% fat. In my case, I need to cut back on the bread and pasta, sugar, and substitute those fruits and veggies for some protein.

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